Welcome To My Blog

Weekends are for wandering Wisconsin. That's what Rick, my guy, and I do. Occasionally we wander during the week, too. Sometimes we just drop in on other people's lives.

This blog is my way of sharing where we've been, neat places and things to do that we've found.

Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Into the Heat

A record high temperature of 88 degrees was set on Tuesday in Fort Myers, a little to the south of where we are in Englewood FL. I'm not sure if our community set a record, but it sure was HOT! Reminded me of July.

The other reminder of July was the Charlotte County Fair. It was free on Tuesday for us senior citizens so we took advantage of our age and attended at no admission charge. We had also attended last year. This year it seemed like more people were there.

I always appreciate the exhibits of the school kids. This one was from Liberty School in Port Charlotte.

Lots of talented high school kids, too, as evidenced by their art projects - paintings and drawings.

The 4-H members also exhibited various animals. I guess it wouldn't be a county fair without the chickens, rabbits, goats, and cows. I wonder if the kids get the week off from school to be able to care for their animals at the fairgrounds.

Rides seem to be a lot more exciting than when I was a kid at the fair. Not sure what "Rock 'N' Roll" was all about, but it sure was loud!

It was neat to see how many rides were specifically for little tykes - mostly those that go round and round rather slowly. One of the rides had a few high spots on the track, went a little faster than most, so the kids were throwing up their hands in the air as if they were on a roller coaster. Even heard the requisite screams.

Earlier in the day we stopped at Nokomis Groves. This fruit company has been run by the same family for 65 years. One could smell the oranges in the air at the store. We had a creamsicle afternoon treat - delicious and well worth a short wait in line. The mural on the side of the store caught my eye.

We now have a couple dozen oranges, a few limes and lemons, and a half dozen tangerines in the fridge. No excuse for not getting enough vitamin C for the next several weeks!

One more photo I'll share with this post. This was the scene at the Cedar Point Environmental Park not far from where we are staying. A pair of bald eagles have built a nest in the park and have hatched two eaglets. We saw one of them stick its head out of the nest but I was unable to get a good picture for my blog. 

The heat is predicted to break in a few days - highs only in the upper 70s! Better enjoy it while we can.

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